We represent people who face an immigration proceeding that may result in their removal from Canada or people who wish to claim refugee status. We help our clients to properly fill out the right forms. We prepare our clients for refugee claim hearings and represent them for same.
For this section the questions could be general or specific to each practice area. If the questions are about general knowledge, this section will repeat on every practice area page.
Some firms offer a fixed fee, but that isn’t always in the best interests of the client. On occasions, that is an arrangement that can encourage shortcuts to be taken. While there are cases in which we’re able to offer a fixed fee, we do what’s right for the individual client, not what’s easiest – and that means no cutting corners.
First, speak to us. Police can grant bail, but there are several exceptions in relation to serious charges, and if the defendant has previously contravened bail conditions. Your solicitor can advise of ‘exceptional circumstances’ and if that is necessary to grant bail. If your husband has been arrested on charges of assaulting you, his solicitor will not be permitted to speak with you. In this case, ask a friend or family member to contact us.
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As your legal counsel, we’ll look the part but it helps if you apply the same consideration to your appearance. No need for a suit but look smart and a bit dressed up. It’s important to be seen to be making an effort to show your respect for the Court.